Is it time to refresh those safety policies? Do you know where your loss drivers could be lurking? If a work comp claim happens at your business, are you ready? If you are wanting to brush up on a few topics, then consider joining us for the Safety Behind the Scenes Webinar series. Experts from MEM’s Safety and Risk Services and Claims Departments will be teaming up to offer you three virtual opportunities to learn, plan and improve your workplace safety practices. Check out the descriptions below, mark your calendars and click on the links to sign up for these free sessions:

Session 1: Loss Drivers: How people get hurt and why a business owner should care

11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22

Key Session Takeaways:

  • Identifying root causes of safety issues
  • Frequency and severity in loss drivers
  • The cost of a loss

Sign up for Session 1. >

Session 2: Back to Basics: Safety essentials for any business

11:30 a.m. to 12: 30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 21

Key Session Takeaways:

  • Designing a successful safety meeting
  • Safety rules enforcement and documentation
  • Successful safety planning

Sign up for Session 2. >

Session 3: On Your Watch: How to effectively manage a work comp claim

11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18

Key Session Takeaways:

  • The Do’s and Don’ts of directing medical care
  • Designing early return to work programs and how they can reduce costs
  • Incident investigation
  • Safety, alcohol and drug policies and why they matter

Sign up for Session 3. >


If you have a question about the information being presented, please email MEM Safety and Risk Services.