How do you know when your company has had a successful year? For some organizations, success is about growth. Others focus on customer satisfaction and retention. For others still, success is about financials and the bottom line. All of these are important pieces of success. For our Safety Fanatics at MEM, they all come together to support the most vital success metric of all: helping more employees go home safe to their families and loved ones.

We’re proud to report that together with our policyholders and agent partners, we accomplished that goal in 2018. More than 85% of our policyholders were injury-free, including a record number of large businesses.

One million dollars in safety grants

It’s three years now that we’ve been awarding safety grants to selected policyholders for the purchase of equipment that improves workplace safety. Since 2016, we’ve given away more than $1.2 million in grants, matching funds for 144 policyholders. Our favorite safety grant statistic? We’ve helped these policyholders improve safety at work for more than 4,500 employees.

What are grant winners purchasing and how is it affecting their day-to-day operations? Read these success stories to find out.

One year of safety dividends

In 2018, we celebrated a full year of rewarding our policyholders with safety dividends. More than 13,000 – or 91% of eligible policyholders – earned a safety dividend last year by having safety policies and procedures in place. The average dividend was about 4.4% of a policyholder’s premium, but some policyholders earned as much as 25% of their premium back in the form of a dividend!

More highlights from 2018

We measure success in many ways at MEM. Below are just a few more highlights from the year. Want to learn more? Check out our full 2018 Annual Report.
